Central County Fire Department is committed to educating the public in simple ways to stay safe. We offer a variety of programs to educate our communities.  Review the safety tips below for more information on how you can be fire-smart.  Fire Safety information is also available in other languages.



Summer Fire Safety Tips 

CCFD encourages everyone to think about good fire safety practices to keep you and your loved ones safe and sound. 


  • ALLfireworksare illegal and punishable by fine in Burlingame, Hillsborough & Millbrae. If you want to see fireworks, go to a public show 
  • Keep a close eye on children at events with fireworks 



  • Propane and charcoal BBQ grills should be used outdoors only 
  • Keep children and pets at least three feet from the grill area 
  • Keep your grill clean by removing grease buildup 
  • Never leave your grill unattended 
  • Always make sure your gas grill lid is open before lighting it 


Smoke Alarms 

  • Test your smoke alarms monthly 


Fire Safety While on Vacation 

  • Wherever you plan to stay on summer vacation: 
  • Hotel/Motel/AirBnB: 
  • Select a location with fire sprinklers and smoke/carbon monoxide alarms 
  • Check for an evacuation map for two ways out 
  • Motor home/Camper/RV: 
    • Make sure working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are installed 

For more seasonal safety tips, visit: https://www.usfa.fema.gov/prevention/outreach/  

Source: USFA 



Monthly Fire Safety Newsletter:





July 2024



Fire is Everyone’s Fight

Fire Won’t Wait, Plan Your Escape!

Firefighters Say:
Close Before You Doze!

Fire is everyone’s fight! Practice fire-safe cooking and install and maintain smoke alarms.

Did you know?

  • Three out of five home fire deaths result from fires in properties without working smoke alarms
  • More than one-third (38 percent) of home fire deaths result from fires in which no smoke alarms are present.
  • The risk of dying in a home fire is cut in half in homes with working smoke alarms.

Source: nfpa.org


Your ability to get out of a home during a fire depends on early warning from smoke alarms and advance planning. Do *you* have a fire escape plan?

Big thanks to Engine 32-B: Captain Bunnell, Firefighter/Paramedic Eversole, and Firefighter Houser for this fun and informative video.

For more information, visit fpw.org.






Close Before You Doze – See the dramatic difference a door can make.

Because of synthetic materials, furniture, and construction, fire spreads faster than ever before. Closing doors helps stop the spread of fire.

‘Close Before You Doze’ focuses on straightforward actions and simple behavioral changes which can provide critical help in delaying the spread of fire. This doesn’t require major effort or going out and buying anything.’ -Stephen Kerber Director, UL FSRI

Closing your bedroom door while you sleep could save your life. Please watch this informative video on how quickly smoke and fire can spread.

To learn more about the Close Before You Doze program, please visit the Underwriters Laboratories’ website at https://closeyourdoor.org/.


Living With Sprinklers Information Sheet

Click to download


Fire Safety Planning

make a fire escape plan

know two ways out of every room

have a clear path to your exits

make sure doors and windows aren't blocked by furniture

choose an outside meeting place where firefighters can see you

smoke is poisonous

get out and stay out when your smoke alarm sounds




Fire Safety Tip Sheets

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Smoke Alarms

Preparing for the Heating Season

Fire Escape Plan Tips

Cooking Safety Tips

Garage Fire Safety Tips

Fire Safety Tip Sheets – Foreign Language

Cooking Safety – Chinese

Electrical Safety – Chinese

Escape Planning – Chinese

Smoke Alarms – Chinese

Alarmas de Humo

Incendios por la Electricidad

Incendios de la Cocina

Simulacro de Incendio

Safety Tips for Older Adults and Special Needs Population

Safety Tips for People with Disabilities

Senior Fire Safety Tips

Senior Fall Prevention