The Fire Prevention Division provides inspection services to help prevent fires and assure fire and life safety for people who live, work and visit in the Cities of Burlingame, Millbrae and the Town of Hillsborough.
Scheduling Inspection Appointments
To schedule an inspection, please call 650-558-7600 at least 48-72 hours in advance. We are not able to accommodate same-day inspections. Please be sure to specify the type of inspection you would like (i.e. sprinkler rough/hydro, fire and life safety, fire alarm test, knox/gate, tent/exhibit booth inspection, etc.). Inspections are first come, first served. If you require multiple re-inspections, you will be charged additional inspection fees. Effective January 1, 2017, after-hours inspections are inspections that occur before 7 am or after 5 pm Monday through Thursday. Associated costs for after-hours inspections will apply.
- Business License Inspections – Requirements
- Construction Permits / Sprinkler Requirements
- Engine Company Inspection Program
- High Piled Combustible Storage
- Large Family Daycare Inspections – Requirements
- Open Flame Permits / Recreational Fire Permits
- Outdoor Dining and Services Requirements
- Self-inspection Program
- Temporary Fire Permits
- Tent / Pipe & Drape Exhibit Booth /Special Events
- Underground Tank Removals
- Vegetation Management
- Master Fee Schedule
Business License Inspections – Requirements
All new commercial businesses, existing businesses that relocate within city limits and/or change in ownership are required to apply for a business license through City Hall. Central County Fire Department will conduct a fire and life safety inspection shortly after you receive your license.
Click here for a list of fire and life safety requirements for businesses:
Construction Fire Permits / Sprinkler Requirements
Fire Code permits are required for all installations, modifications, or repairs, but not limited to the following: Fire Sprinkler system, Fire Alarm system, Fixed-Extinguishing system, and Spray booths. Every submittal shall include an application and any other applicable documentation. See below for more information.
Engine Company Inspection Program
Central County Fire Department is dedicated to ensuring our community is safe at all times. In addition to our city program to inspect all commercial businesses on a frequent basis, we are mandated by the State of California to inspect the following types of occupancies every year: Multi-family dwellings, assemblies (not including businesses), schools, hospitals, and jails. Fees are assessed after the 2nd re-inspection and any subsequent inspections.
High-Piled Combustible Storage
Storage of combustible materials in closely packed piles or combustible materials on pallets, in racks or on shelves where the top of storage is greater than 12 feet requires a high-piled storage permit.
- High-Piled Combustible Storage – Requirements
- High-Piled Combustible Storage – Permit Application
- High-Piled Combustible Storage – Description of Storage Information Sheet
Large Family Daycare Inspections – Requirements
A Large Family Day Care Home is a provider’s own home licensed to provide family day care for seven to fourteen children for periods less than 24 hours per day. This shall include children who reside at the home under the age of 10.
Click here for minimum requirements for large family day care homes within single-family dwellings:
Open Flame / Recreational Fire Permits
Open flame or open burning shall be in accordance with the California Fire Code and local requirements. A permit may be granted for certain situations.
The manufacture, storage, sale, possession, handle or use of all fireworks is prohibited. Professional pyrotechnic fireworks presentations may be approved by the City Council upon the recommendation of the Fire Chief.
- Open Flame Requirements & Permit Application (outdoor)
- Open Flame Requirements & Permit Application (indoor)
Outdoor Dining and Services Requirements:
The Central County Fire Department is working in tandem with City officials to provide resources and guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please click on the link below for guidelines that promote fire safety and wellness for your staff, patrons, and the community.
- Outdoor Business Fire Safety During COVID-19 (Cities of Burlingame and Millbrae)
General Resources
- San Mateo County Health Updates and Information
- California Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response
- CDC Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
Request for Fire Watch
Requests may be made for standby fire watch personnel as an approved alternate means of protection due to being unable to meet all provisions set forth by the local municipal fire code, the California Fire Code, and/or Title 19 of the California Code of Regulations regarding minimum fire and life safety requirements.
Self-inspection Program
Certain commercial occupancies have the option of conducting their own fire and life safety inspections. This is in lieu of Fire Department personnel conducting and charging fees for the inspection. A letter and form will be mailed to participating businesses. Contact the Prevention Division for more information.
Temporary Fire Code Permits
Fire Code permits are required, but not limited to the following: Tent Structures, Underground Tank removal, Open Flame/Burning, Exhibits and Trade Shows, High Piled Combustible Storage, and Special Assemblies.
Every submittal shall include a fire code application, fee, and other applicable documentation.
Tent / Pipe & Drape Exhibit Booth / Special Events
Any tents over 400 square feet in size; events that include exhibit booths with or without pipe and drape, and other special events that include over 50 persons are subject to California Fire and Building Codes and local permit process prior to the event.
- Tent / Canopy Permit Requirements & Application
- Pipe / Drape Exhibit Booth Permit Requirements & Application
Underground Tank Removals
Removal of underground tanks shall comply with California Fire Code §3404.2.14. A fire code permit application shall be completed and submitted prior to the removal. Supporting documentation shall include details of the tanks, locations, fuel supply, etc. You must contact San Mateo County Environmental Health Department prior to submittal.
Vegetation Management
If you live next to a vegetated hillside (covered with vegetation or plant life) or your neighborhood is within a wildland-urban interface area, you should be aware of vegetation management practices to help reduce the possibility of a hillside fire from reaching your home. For a list of requirements and guidelines, please see San Mateo County’s Fire Safe website,, the California State Fire Marshal’s Office website at and our Vegetation Management page.
Do you have a fire hazard concern in your neighborhood? To report a potential fire safety issue, please select a form below:
- Report a Fire Safety Concern | City of Burlingame
- Report a Fire Safety Concern | Town of Hillsborough
- Report a Fire Safety Concern | City of Millbrae
Please provide a detailed description of the concern you are reporting, including the exact location (floor, unit, indoor/outdoor), the type of condition, and as much information as possible to assist the Fire Prevention Specialist to easily locate the condition you are reporting. Reports will be investigated within two (2) working days of notification.
Reports are confidential, anonymous complaints will not be accepted.
CCFD Master Fee Schedule
For a complete list of services and fees, please view our Fee Schedule below: