Adopted Budget

Central County Fire prepares an annual budget document each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) that provides a basic understanding of the department’s planned spending for the coming fiscal year. The primary budget objective is to provide the highest possible level of service to the communities we serve while maintaining a sound financial condition.

View: CCFD Adopted Budget – Fiscal Year 2024-2025





Adopted Budgets from Previous Years



Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report provides detailed financial information regarding Central County Fire’s financial position and activities and adheres to the reporting requirements for state and local governments.

View: CCFD Annual Comprehensive Financial Report 2023-2024






Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports from Previous Years


Quarterly Reports 

This section features quarterly reports that summarize the activities of the Central Country Fire Department’s General Fund for the fiscal quarter. The General Fund is the primary fund of the Department and accounts for most operating activities.

View: Q3 CCFD Quarterly Financial Report FY 2021-22







Quarterly Reports from Previous Years

Q2 CCFD Quarterly Financial Report FY 2021-22
Q1 CCFD Quarterly Financial Report FY 2021-22
Q4 CCFD Quarterly Financial Report FY 2020-21
Q3 CCFD Quarterly Financial Report FY 2020-21
Q2 CCFD Quarterly Financial Report FY 2020-21
Q1 CCFD Quarterly Financial Report FY 2020-21



CCFD Master Fee Schedule

For a complete list of services and fees, please view our Fee Schedule below:

View: CCFD Master Fee Schedule – 2024/2025